A Memory of two Games

I remember from my childhood, when one of my friends got a computer, we used to go play on the new toy. There were two games in particular that we liked, one of them where you have to place mirrors in the path of a laser in order to direct the beam to hit certain targets, and another one where you built a machine that performed a certain task.

Although I’ve never really found the same laser game again, I’ve recently discovered a pretty similar Flash game. Find it here: http://laser.narr.as/

The second one was called The Incredible Machine (TIM). It’s a commercial game, and it had sequels. But I’ve found another Flash game, Fantastic Contraption, which is free to play, and the game-play is somewhat similar to the original TIM. I invite you to play it here: http://www.fantasticcontraption.com/

Have fun!